I like night scenes... though I can't really take good pictures of them.
This was taken on 02 October 2005... Wasn't feeling very happy that day... For some reasons, I just could not do my work. I tried to do some work in NUS... really... but just dun feel like it. In the end, I gave up. Perhaps, this is how my students felt when they are doing my mathematics worksheets.
For the last eight months, I really feel lousy on sundays. Loneliness. It's something that I feel most on sundays. I still remember those happy days, when my wife was with me. Though, most of the time, she was either shopping or doing her work, her sheer presence with me was sufficient to make me happy. Perhaps, that is what they call love? But love is very different. It is more than a feeling. Love is a committment. It is about loving someone even if she chooses to leave you... it is about choosing to accept her faults... it is about accepting her for who she is... even if it hurts.
Through all these ups and downs, I have come to the conclusion that I need to do what is right and leave the rest to divine intervention. The journey is difficult but I must persevere. In time to come, I believe that I will understand why I need to go through all these. But, before that time comes, I just need to hang on to the hope that I have.
Similarly, my students... if you are reading this... do not give up, no matter what. Regardless of how difficult the situation is... in spite of how badly you did for the papers, there is always a purpose in every thing. Maybe you need to go through this to understand the importance of hard work. There is no joy without sadness, no sweetness of victory without the bitterness of failure, no smiles without tears, no gain without pain. Some of you may be feeling as lousy as me now... but take heart. You are not alone. Remember... there are many others in the world who are in a worse position than us. Remember... hurricane Katrina... remember Bali bombing... remember the Pakistan earthquake... remember that there are people who struggle to live. We need to be strong.
Sometimes, all that we need to do is to wait... wait for the correct timing? But we need to take that first step too... waiting alone cannot achieve much. To take this photo, I went to the bridge near Suntec and waited from 5 to 7pm... PAtience... In fact, I took a lot of pictures that day... Diligence... Each photo that I took is a lesson in itself... Learning from mistakes. When you finally get it right, the joy is something that you will never forget.
Maybe, it gives us comfort to know that we are never alone... As I was waiting for the sun to set, I realised that several other photographers were there waiting as well... I was not alone! Similarly, you have friends who will go through the same struggle with you. Knowing that you are not alone in the journey can bring new-found strength to carry on.
Okie... I think I have babbled enough today... till then... have a good night...